Wednesday 8 January 2014

Feature wall

Been looking for a wallpaper I like enough for a feature wall in "the dining room"  (the wall that faces the bathroom)   I need to get it in soon so I can then install the air conditioner on that wall ready for mid Summer guests.

It had to be something that wouldn't clash with any of my crazy decor to come, and would compliment the dark grey kitchen, bathroom and black fittings in the house. 

I quite like the last one - especially as it's textured and has silvery glittery panels. But I fear it might look a bit 70s.

Also.. let's have another look at my feature tile.. just because :D


  1. Ooo!! I really dig the first one! and the skulls would look great, as from a distance they'd just look like rounder shapes/textures. Very cool!

    1. I've now ordered the first one, yay. I will see if I can find something to put those skulls on though, maybe something other than a wall. a desk or something!

  2. I'm loving the first one too. I find myself following the lines as though I'm in a the maze. It would keep me amused for hours :)

    1. I love the first one the best too - I've now ordered it. I agree, if I was a toddler I probably would have drawn a line around the maze with a texta. Which means Anneliese and Corin might in a few years. Hmm.

  3. I love the skulls! I like the first one but it's not swastika is it?

    1. Good choice!
      I guess it is a little swastika ish. AGH! Swastika eyes you got swastika eyes!

  4. Loving the first one- where did you get it? :)

    1. It's here :)
      I didnt end up using it though as it looked pretty different in real life. The picture here is really zoomed in so it looks large. Where as the patterns were pretty dark (almost black on black) and small. I liked it but not to use- will put it on ebay. :)
