Tuesday 21 January 2014

One More Thing

Hello. I'm typing this from the floor of my house. Will this be the thing that pushes me over the edge? Which one will it be??? 

Just had a Rinnai technician attend. Good news is the hot water unit is fine but bad news is there is a cross connection under the house somewhere which I'll just have to make the plumber find and fix at his own cost really. Pulling the floors up is probably what's required.

I would prefer to be in the future clicking back on this post and smiling.

Someone said the other day I should go on The Block but I prefer to have my Renovator Melt Downs in private.

If anyone is thinking of renovating, go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe look up courses at your local TAFE.

If you're still getting itchy feet then think of the more fun ways you can drain your health and finances. Why not go shopping in New York then on a massive bender in Las Vegas? It's what L7 would have done.


  1. Hahahaha but you're so close to reaping the benefits! The plumber can worry about his mistake. Must be nearly kitchen time?
    Ps $600 to remove bushes... Brother suggested just tying them to the ute and towing them out which is an idea I haven't totally discounted

  2. Bah, good old tradies messing up stuff they overcharge for.........!

    Hang in There!

    1. I'm actually kind of not angry at him, more just despair at the project. He is really really cheap, but hard to get hold of. I'm otherwise really happy with his work. We'll see.
      I'll cry if my beautiful floors have to be all pulled up. and I'm not really sure how that works with the new kitchen going in soon.
      ALL GOOD!

  3. Hang in there. So close to the end - look at that list to your right of things crossed off! xxx It's always darkest right before the dawn...
