Sunday 5 May 2013

Pry-ing open my bung eye. Pry-ing open my bung eye

Saturday night totally ragin.'  Spent it at the emergency dept of Royal Eye and Ear Hospital. 
I got something in my eye whilst packing up, and couldn't get it out. I even went to someone's house to use their medical eye wash. NOTHING would flush it out. After several hours passed of increasingly panicky pacing, I couldn't think and decided to go to the hospital.

My lovely brother Andrew drove me. On the way he was trying to distract me from the pain. He put on AM radio to listen to talkback. "Focus on what they're saying" he said.

On the first channel there was talking about the exposed cruelty to livestock that are being exported in Australia.

Another channel had a man describing a hate crime performed on his son in America

Another channel showed a discussion of how they mentally torture prisoners with certain techniques

Yet another channel talked again about the news story of the abused Live Export

When I arrived at the hospital, they saw me and put me straight at the front of the queue. No one else there seemed particularly hurt. In fact, many in the waiting room were laughing, chatting and cheering at the football on TV. The nurse immediately put anaesthetic in my eye which felt absolutely heavenly. Oh such relief. She then turned my lid inside out and removed a piece of grit. Hurrah! 
I then waited an hour for the doctor who confirmed I had scratched my cornea quite badly, but it should apparently heal. 

Uh, these glasses won't be coming off for a while, sorry. I feel drunk when I close my good eye!

On the upside, a lot has been done this weekend once again thanks to my trusty labourer Michael. I didn't get much of any photos unfortunately thanks to the eye. 

We removed the rest of the weatherboards off the back part of the house ready for the walls to be rebuilt. With yet more huge piles of timber to get rid of and the tip already shut, Michael had a brainwave. 

"Why don't we just burn it?"   

Is it legal we wondered. A quick Google searched showed it was ambiguous. 

"Ambiguous is good enough for me. I'd prefer to ask forgiveness than permission. It's not fire season anyway" 

So we made a fire and burned huge amounts of timber. SOOOO much easier. 

Neiiiighbours, everybody needs good neiiiighbours, who don't complain about your fiiiires

I also bought a huge old Victorian sash window from a scrapyard for $150. (thanks for the tip Kate) This will fit perfectly in the second bedroom where I am keeping the period feel. There were lots of other doors, windows and absolute junk I could have looked through but I couldn't wait to get out of there. Even though it's worse for the environment, I much prefer buying nice new things.
I have to start obtaining the rest of the doors and windows as of.... now.


  1. aw ya poor love! hope it heals fast! top work on the progress tho! x

  2. poor you! I hope your eye gets better soon. xx I am so impressed with your blog and project!

  3. Hats off to brothers and matches, glasses on for all other things.
    you are a maze making marvel. and one day it will all be done. xx

  4. oh my goodness Caz!! You poor thing - I hope it heals fast xx
